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John de Utynam won the 1st patent in the world, in 1449, granted by the King of England, for a method of making glass.
1790 was the year of approval of the 1st patent law, made by the United States Congress.
IBM registered 8,088 US patents in 2016. An average of 22 per day.
Brazil occupies one of the last places in the world ranking of valid patents
IPLatam registers a patent with the INPI – National Institute of Industrial Property. For 18 months, the process runs under secrecy, without any competitor knowing what it is about.
The analysis of the case takes between 8 and 9 years and the validity period is 25 years, counted from the formalization of the patent application. In other words, in practice, the company will have exclusivity over the patent for 16 or 17 years.
The value of a patent is higher than that of a trademark.
However, the revenue potential of being the sole holder and explorer of the technology for nearly two decades is enormous.
After filing in Brazil, the company has another 12 months to apply for an international patent.
The request is made at WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization, in Switzerland, based on the PCT – Patent Cooperation Treaty.
The IPLatam team has vast experience in the process of registering national and international patents.
YES. This type of patent is called Know-how Protection and guarantees the right to knowledge. Think of the recipe as a secret formula responsible for the success of a restaurant or food industry. If everyone knew how to make Coca-Cola or if all the ingredients that go into a Amor ao Pedaços pie were in the public domain, the owners of these companies would not profit so much.
If you want to patent a recipe, it needs to be something new and useful.
IPLatam advises you on the entire patent and technology registration process. Our team does a thorough research on the subject and takes care of all procedures to secure your registrations and patents.
– Technological research in national and international patent banks
– Patentability analysis
– Definition of technological protection strategy
– Preparation of technical-descriptive reports
– Deposit and monitoring of administrative processes
– International patents and PCT
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