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Internet Domains

Internet domains search and registration in order to guarantee web positioning and presence


A virtual domain (website address) is nothing more than the physical address of a website on the internet, which you type in the white space to access a website. This address is important to reach brands and retain their consumers.

Fecha aspas

linha verde Internet Domains

Domain Registration brings organization and movement so that the company can position itself in the websphere, in addition to bringing more trust and credibility when presenting its brand. But not all companies are able to register the domain with the name identical to the brand name. The site name belongs to whoever registered first. Therefore, this can be the first step in your trademark registration process. 


Our team has extensive experience in research, registration, term monitoring and renewals. Being able to search the availability of using the brand name to register the domain.

Ícone - Registro.BR


NIC.br department responsible for internet addresses that use “.br”

Ícone - Confiança no Registro

Trust in the Registry

Registering the internet domain brings more professionalism and confidence to your brand.

Ícone - Domínio até renovação

Domain until renewal

Domain search following the company’s specifications, registration and maintenance of the site until renewal, we do all the monitoring of validity and renewals.

Ícone - Exclusividade


An internet domain is unique and exclusive.

linha verde What you need to know

What is domain?

The domain is like the registry, a brand address on the internet, where people will find more information about it. To have your address, it is necessary to register and monitor the creation of that domain.

How do domains work?

When registering a domain your brand will have the official address to present itself in a professional manner. There are several domain modalities, and those ending in “.br” are Brazilian.

Thus, domains can also have endings such as: .net.br, .org.br, .info.br, art.br etc.

Why do I need to register a domain?

Having a unique address is your special and prominent place on the internet. The domain gives the right of exclusive use for a good period of time, allowing a professional exposure of the brand in the websphere.

How long does it take to register a domain?

The minimum registration period for a domain is up to one year. But it is possible to register for up to three years to renew at the end. The entire process to register the domain on the internet can be done with us, even the monitoring of validity and renewals.

Domínios na Internet

Do you need internet domain registration?

IPLatam assists you in the entire process for domain search and registration. Thus, you guarantee the best options to bring more credibility and trust to your brand. Our experts are ready to advise you.

– Research 

– Register

– Term monitoring 

– Renewal

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