Business name is the formal name of a business, which is supposed to be formalized in a Commercial Registry and it identifies the company in official documents, such as the CNPJ – Legal Entities Brazilian National Register.
The main role of the business name is to identify the legal entity, as well as demonstrate its legal constitution.
A business name protection starts from the moment of its registration with the Commercial Registry of each Brazilian State. In other words, it has state coverage and is not restricted to economic activity. To have national coverage, it is necessary to formalize the request following the normative instruction of the National Department of Trade Registration – DNRC.
IPLatam is ready to help entrepreneurs define the best path for formalizing and protecting their business name.
Individual Entrepreneur
Individuals who carry out business activities – the business name must be their civil name and may include the activity performed.
Composed by the name of at least one of the partners and, if not all, it must contain the expression “& Company”
Limited society
Every limited liability company must end its name with the term “Limited” or abbreviated as “Ltda”.
Anonymous society
The business name must be by name, as it is a capital company.
In Brazil, the business name follows the principle of truthfulness and novelty, it means that it needs to be new, unique and exclusive. A specialized legal consultancy, such as IPLatam, can guide the best way to structure the company’s official name to be faster and more accurate in formalizing the business process.
In Brazil, in addition to following the principle of veracity and novelty, the business name has two forms of composition: the firm and the denomination. These formats cannot be used concurrently and follow the type of business company created.
Protecting the business name is giving security to the name that formally identifies a business and helps distinguish it from its competitors.
This protection implies ensuring the good reputation of a business and its reference to customers and other stakeholders.
The business name is the formal name of the legal entity, while the brand is formed by a name and symbol that can represent the business, certain products and services.
While the business name follows specific rules and must be distinct from any that has already existed, the brand name can be registered according to different categories, according to the type of activity that the business will have.
IPLatam assists you in the entire process of building and protecting a business name for your business.
Our experts are ready to advise you.
– Legal advice
– Construction of the business name
– Formalization of business name
– Legal advice
– Business name brand registration
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