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IPLatam is a company that was founded, planned to meet the minimum needs of clients and a complex set of operations related to intellectual property.
Those who are IPLatam’s clients, in addition to trademark attorneys, rely on the services of engineers to carefully prepare the technical patent report.
The clients, also, rely on a consulting expert team to prepare franchising projects, formed by experts in finance, branding, marketing, design, architecture, writing manuals, translation and design.
IPlatam protects intangible assets, which do not physically exist but are worth a lot of money.
We register Brazilian trademarks and patents around the world, working together with partners spread across all continents. And we help bring brands, patents and products from Europe, Asia, Africa and North America to the nations of Latin America.
Ah… you must be curious to know what our brand means.
We are IPLatam – Intellectual Property Advisory & Services, a reference in Latin America for consultancy and services in intellectual property.
It’s a pleasure being able to serve you!
Founder and CEO
I am Fernanda Rosa Picosse, I lead the experts’ team at IPlatam. It is important to tell you my full name, because it represents who I am, it is what comes first and is part of my history.
In the first paragraph of One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the character Colonel Aureliano Buendia remembers about his village, Macondo:
“The world was so recent that many things lacked names and to mention them you had to point your finger.”
NAME! Without a word that explains, summarizes a concept and identifies, nothing makes sense. For I have dedicated my life to ensuring that companies preserve and guarantee the right to their name or their inventions.
I am a lawyer, expert in Intellectual Property, working for almost 30 years in the protection of trademarks, patents, copyrights, franchising contracts and technology transfer.
IPLatam serves small, medium and large companies in Brazil and in over 120 countries.
Managing Partner
As the Managing Director of IPLATAM®, I lead a team of experts who provide intellectual property advisory and services for several clients and industries across the globe. With over 30 years of experience in IP (Intellectual Property), banking, IT, and management consulting, we support the growth strategy of our clients, by managing their intangible assets portfolio, such as trademarks, designs, patents, software, copyrights and know how.
Years of Experience
Countries Covered
Registered Patents
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